No Confession or Adoration on July 4th due to the holiday
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Mass Times
7:00 am | Church | English |
8:30 am | Church | English |
7:00 pm | Church | Spanish |
8:30 am | Church | English |
4:00 pm | Church | English |
7:30 am | Church | English |
9:00 am | Church | English |
10:30 am | Church | English |
12:00 pm | Church | English |
1:30 pm | Church | Spanish |
3:00 pm | Church | Spanish |
6:00 pm | Church | English |
Eucharistic Adoration / Adoración eucarística
Every Thursday evening for five hours beginning at 4:00pm and concluding with Benediction at 8:50pm. All are welcome.
El primer viernes de cada mes tendremos la adoración y alabanza al Santísimo Sacramento de 8:00 p.m. a 9:00 p.m. en español. Esperamos contar con tu presencia.
Confessions • Reconciliations
- Thursdays: 7:00pm
- Fridays: 5:30pm
- Saturdays: 12:00pm
Confessions are always available by appointment.
Reflection From
Fr. John
January 19, 2025
Today, our Gospel speaks about Mary and Jesus at the Wedding at Cana. The loving virtues and charitable characteristics of the Blessed Mother are wonderfully revealing for us, as we are gathered in faith to re-commit ourselves today to the charitable work of the Church.
In a world which so often evidences selfishness and godlessness, the People of God, the Church, are once again called upon to imitate the virtues, selflessness, and charity of Mary. She gives us a magnificent example of how to “be there” for others.
The Wedding at Cana story shows our Lady’s charity in numerous ways. For example, her service to others reveals her charity. She was there at Cana in advance, behind the scenes, involved in the details of hospitality. Clearly she was interested in being helpful, and assisting those in need. Furthermore, her attentiveness to circumstances likewise revealed her charity. Mary was aware of when needs arose. She noticed when things needed to be done. Her intellectual awareness revealed her charitable heart. Additionally, her willingness to intercede when called upon revealed her charity. She was a woman of action, getting involved to make a difference in the lives of others. Her engagement in the circumstances of the moment revealed her charity. Also her delicacy in handling situations throws light upon her motherly charity and concern. She sought to help others with sensitivity to their needs and feelings. And finally, the way in which her faith directs us to follow and love her Son, Jesus, who is our life is the ultimate gift of charity. She gave us the best advice imaginable: “Do whatever He tells you.” She charitably pointed to her Son as the way that others could be their best. Following His example of attending to the needs of others surely incarnates love and charity.
These Marian virtues are the backdrop of our life in the Church. They are also the underpinning of why we, in the Archdiocese of Miami, have an annual Archbishop’s Charities Drive, which sustains so many ministries and services done in the name of Christ. It is in our participation in the charitable and ministerial works of the Church that we imitate Mary, we align ourselves with Christ, and, together, we build His Kingdom. What a privilege!
May charity be the virtue that defines our lives, as it did for Mary at the Wedding at Cana.
The Beauty of St. Gregory Church
Religious Education Program
We welcome all families and children of the parish who are not currently enrolled in a Catholic School. Visit our page for more information about the program.
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For more information on giving or for instructions on how to make an electronic transfer of a gift of stock to St. Gregory, please contact the Development Office at 954-473-8170.
Ministry Directory
You are invited to answer the call to share your gift so that the Mission and Ministry of Jesus is continued in our parish and beyond.
For more information, or more information, or to volunteer, please call the Church Office: (954) 473-6261.