
Liturgical Ministries

Altar Servers

Ministry Leader

Andrew Claridge Jr.

A special way for children, who have received their First Holy Communion, to participate in Mass is to assist at the liturgy as an Altar Server.

Carrying the processional cross or candles, holding the Roman Missal, the books of prayers, helping with the incense, or assisting with the water and wine, all are very helpful means of support for the good order of the liturgy and contribute to the prayerful choreography of our community celebrations of the Mass. Training required.


Ministry Leader

Michael Sayers
Music Director

Individual leaders of song, who often sing the Responsorial Psalm and Alleluia, as well as solo pieces, at Mass provide the ministry of Cantor.

Rehearsed and carefully prepared by our Director of Liturgical Music, cantors have a profound responsibility of animating the participation of the worshipping assembly, bringing great enrichment to our Masses.


Ministry Leader

Michael Sayers
Music Director

Under the leadership of our parish Director of Liturgical Music, parishioners with vocal skills and a love of song help to lift up our Sunday Mass with the melodies of praise sung in group choir.

Weekly rehearsals bring training, preparation, and confidence to Choir members as they prepare for Sunday Liturgy, as well as numerous special events throughout the year, not the least of which is Christmas and Holy Week.

Environment and Arts

Ministry Leader

Ginny Matheo
Office Assistant and Assistant to the Pastor
(954) 473-6261 ext. 1010

Creative parishioners, who have an eye for decoration and beauty, assist in the preparation of the seasonal liturgical environment as a way to help accentuate the feeling tone and spiritual sensitivities of Masses in our church.

Primarily mobilized during the Advent, Christmas, Lenten, Holy Week, and Easter seasons, the Environment and Arts Committee and its membership are important parts of liturgical planning at Saint Gregory.

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion

Ministry Leader

Brenda Carson
Office Manager | Data Processing | Bulletin | Print media | Pilgrimages
(954) 473-6261, ext. 1004

Appointed by the Pastor and trained by the Archdiocese, Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion reverently assist the priests in the distribution of Communion at Mass.

Sometimes they are entrusted with taking Communion to homebound parishioners and elderly Catholics in our area nursing homes as well.


Ministry Leader

Michael Sayers
Director of Liturgical Music
(954) 473-6261, ext. 1017

Musical instruments of many types, e.g., keyboard, flute, guitar, bass, trumpet, tympani, and others are often utilized to add dignity, stateliness and embellishment to the beautiful sounds of liturgical music at Holy Mass.


Ministry Leader

English Masses: Patricia O'Neill
Misa en español: Judy Davila
(954) 476-7571

A very meaningful ministry of service to the liturgical assembly is the service done by lectors during the Liturgy of the Word at Mass. Lectors publicly read from the Ambo the selections from Holy Scripture that are designated for a given Mass.

Practice is required, not to mention great reverence should be utilized when proclaiming God’s Word to the congregation.

Liturgical Planning

Ministry Leader

Michael Sayers
Director of Liturgical Music
(954) 473-6261, ext. 1017

The Liturgy Planning Committee assists the priests of the parish in thematic, musical, and logistical planning for the many liturgies and special seasons of the Liturgical Year here at our parish.

Membership on the committee spans the array of participants in the various facets of our ceremonies, e.g., sacristans, environment and art specialists, music ministers, lectors, the priests of the parish, and parishioners at large. Meetings take place quarterly.


Ministry Leader

Jon Pierre Marcazzo
Sacristan Ministry Leader
(954) 473-6261

So much of the readiness and good order of our many dignified liturgies at Saint Gregory is made possible by the good work, planning, set-up, organization, cleaning and arranging done by our church sacristans. Masses don’t just happen.

There are many behind the scenes efforts that done as direct support for every Mass to take place. Many hands make light work. Additional volunteers are welcome.

Special Events

Ministry Leader

Maria Oliva
Parish Ministries Manager

Throughout the calendar year, Saint Gregory has a number of special liturgical events, in addition to our regularly scheduled Masses, that provide opportunities for prayer and worship.

Patronal Feast of Saint Gregory the Great, Outdoor International Candlelight Rosary, All Souls Remembrance Ceremony, Evenings of Recollection, Eucharistic Adoration, Advent Lessons and Carols, Tenebrae Service, Healing Masses, Reconciliation Services, Processions, Stations of the Cross, May Crowning, Blessing of Cars, and other para-liturgical events.


Ministry Leader

Dennis Conklin
Lead Usher
(954) 473-6261

Of high importance to an atmosphere of welcome and good order at the Church of Saint Gregory is the valued service and ministry done by our community of Ushers at Mass. Ushers give of their time each weekend to assist in a variety of ways before, during and after the gathering of the liturgical assembly.

The primary responsibilities are welcome, hospitality, seating assistance, supervision of the interior environment of the church, and the Sunday collection with its reporting and secure depositing.