Annulment Advocacy
Ministry Leader
- Antonio Vomvolakis
- Director of Religious Education and Sacrament Preparation
- (954) 473-6261, ext. 1130
As part of both the Marriage Preparation Ministry and the Healing Ministry of the parish, our church offers formal assistance, through advocates, for those who have suffered through the difficulties of a broken marriage and are eager to receive an ecclesiastical declaration of nullity.
Depending upon the time it takes to gather documents and compete depositions, the annulment process can last anywhere from 6 months to a year.
Apostolado Matrimonios y Familias
Ministry Leader
- Sergio y Sandra Gonzalez
- (954) 300-3256
Somos un Apostolado Católico que con la guía del Espíritu Santo, tiene como misión principal enseñar que la santificación del matrimonio es actual y posible. Buscamos que cada matrimonio llegue a la perfección a la que ha sido destinado “desde toda la eternidad”, en la medida en que los cónyuges se conozcan, se acepten y se amen.
Para lograr esta misión nos apoyamos en una pastoral basada en las enseñanzas del Magisterio de la Santa Madre Iglesia, a través de actividades de formación, vivencia espiritual, vivencia sacramental y vivencia comunitaria que dan a los esposos herramientas a nivel práctico y espiritual, fortaleciendo así el vínculo entre ellos necesario para comunicar el amor y la misericordia de Dios a toda la familia.
Baptismal Prep
Ministry Leader
- Angie M. Molina
- Curator of Records and Finance Office Assistant
- (954) 473-6261, ext. 1001
The Baptismal preparation program is fully described in another section of this webpage, and is presented by a team of faith-filled parishioners, led by our parish Deacon, who train young parents and godparents in the meaning and responsibilities of Christian Baptism. The seminars are presented once or twice per month, based on need.
They are also available both in English and Spanish. Team members work together to assist families in fulfilling their baptismal preparation requirements, so as to enable them to fully participation in the happy occasion of these sacred rites.
Fully Engaged
Ministry Leader
- Antonio Vomvolakis
- Director of Religious Education and Sacrament Preparation
- (954) 473-6261, ext. 1130
A major component part of our Marriage Preparation Program is the accompaniment of engaged couples in a compatibility test and a discussion of the results lead by an experienced married "mentor couple."
Offered both in English and Spanish, mentor couples are trained to foster communication and reflection in the engaged couple through the methodology of caring conversation done in the informal setting of the home.
Marriage Enrichment
Ministry Leader
- Antonio Vomvolakis
- Director of Religious Education and Sacrament Preparation
- (954) 473-6261, ext. 1130
As support for the deepening and maturing of the Marital Covenant, our parish offers retreats, seminars, personal counsel, and opportunities for the renewal of Marriage Vows for all those married by the Church who are seeking to enrich their marriage.
Natural Family Planning (NFP)
Ministry Leader
- Antonio Vomvolakis
- Director of Religious Education and Sacrament Preparation
- (954) 473-6261, ext. 1130
To register for NFP courses, please visit the following page:
Pilgrimage Ministry
Ministry Leader
- Ginny Matheo
- Office Assistant and Assistant to the Pastor
- (954) 473-6261 ext. 1000
Saint Gregory Church is pleased to offer faith enrichment opportunities through its pilgrimage ministry. Group travel, via day-trips or 10-day visits to international destinations of our Catholic spiritual patrimony, can be exciting and thoroughly enriching to our journey of faith.
Prominent among the international pilgrimage opportunities are the twice-annual visits to the Holy Land, led by the Pastor of Saint Gregory, who is a member of the Equestrian Order of the Knight of the Holy Sepulcher.
Ministry Leader
- Antonio Vomvolakis
- Director of Religious Education and Sacrament Preparation
- (954) 473-6261, ext. 1130
- Judy Davila
- RCIA Spanish
Saint Gregory Catholic Church is happy to offer adults the opportunity to come together in a small group to learn more about the Catholic faith through the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults. The RCIA is way that early Christians joined the Church through its Sacraments. The program serves:
- Unbaptized adults and young persons who have reached the age of reason and wish to become Catholic;
- Those baptized in another Christian Church who are seeking full communion with the Roman Catholic Church and seek the Sacraments of Eucharist and Confirmation;
- Baptized Catholic adults who were baptized as infants in the Catholic Church and now seek the Sacraments of Eucharist and/or Confirmation.
El Rito de Iniciación Católica para Adultos (RICA), es un itinerario de 7 a 8 meses para adultos que no han recibido los Sacramentos de Iniciación Católica, (Bautizo, Comunión y Confirmación). La RICA se basa en cuatro puntos claves enrizados en la oración, evangelización, catequesis y formación fundamentada en el Catecismo de la Iglesia Católica, las Sagradas Escrituras y las Enseñanzas de la Iglesia Católica:
- Invitar a adultos no bautizados a convertirse en miembros de la iglesia católica.
- Re-integrar a adultos bautizados en la fe católica que no han sido catequizados o se han alejado de la fe.
- Integrar a la iglesia a católica a personas bautizadas en otras comunidades cristianas.
- Invitar a esos tres grupos de personas a vivir un itinerario espiritual que les ayude a madurar en su fe y a integrarse y enriquecer a su comunidad católica.
Religious Education
Ministry Leader
- Antonio Vomvolakis
- Director of Religious Education and Sacrament Preparation
- (954) 473-6261, ext. 1130
- Angie M. Molina
- Curator of Records and Finance Office Assistant
- (954) 473-6261, ext. 1001
The ultimate mission of our program is to help our children and young adults encounter and fall in love with the reality and truth of Jesus Christ and His Church. Through the power, grace and inspiration of the Holy Spirit we strive to lead our children into a life of prayer, communion, and missionary zeal that shows itself profoundly in how we live our life and treat those around us.
For a full program description, please visit this page
Respect Life
Ministry Leader
- Mary Sturm
A ministry which provides education and awareness about the dignity of human life from conception to natural death. This ministry supports the Respect Life Hollywood Pregnancy Center. Annual activities include: Baby Shower Collection (January), Mother’s Day flower sale (May). Life Chain (October), Respect Life Sunday (October), 40 Days for Life (Advent and Lent).
Project Rachel is a ministry which reaches out to women, men, family members, and medical personnel who are suffering the aftermath of abortion. Confidential Help Line: 1-888-456-4673.
Spiritual Book Discussion Group
Several selections per year, the book discussion ministry gathers people who like the experience of shared choral reading and subsequent group discussion about the contents.
Inspiration, educational, and religious literature are among the selections.
Transformed in Love
Ministry Leader
- Antonio Vomvolakis
- Director of Religious Education and Sacrament Preparation
- (954) 473-6261, ext. 1130
To find out course dates, please visit the Archdiocese website.